Edison will be 3 next month on the 26th and I do not know where time has gone! When he was born I was the happiest person on the face of the earth! Sure the labor was intense; the drugs they promised would work didn't fully work, Conrad almost passing out on me was interesting, and sure my body will never be the same but I would not trade having him for anything in the whole universe. He is my world! He slept through the night like a little angel! I was truly blessed! couldn't ask for more! I was truly terrified I would have a screaming little bundle like my parents said I was for them but nope, he was as peaceful as ever.
This little munchkin has had his boy moments for sure. When we first started potty training him and we tried to really get into it, I can remember him running through the house fascinated by all the different things he could rub up on simple because he was naked and loved the free feeling! He was a free bird! lol disturbing as that sounds, I laughed so hard while trying to tell him no! :) Then he has moments when he is just so peaceful and will sit in his room, with all sorts of books spread across his bed reading them aloud to himself and his stuffed animals.
People will tell me how well mannered he is and I just smile and say, oh this is his good moments because he is so full of energy I am convinced I cursed myself giving him the middle name "Chase". When people ask, "how did you drop the weight so fast after having Edison?" I say, " I keep up with him that's how!" There is truly never a dull moment with him.
Not to mention he is very observant. When sitting at a stop light one hot afternoon, he was looking out the window at a particular individual and asked me, " momma, why is that lady not wearing a shirt?" This particular lady he asked about was standing on the corner with daisy duke shorts and a bikini top on. I giggled and answered, she has her swim suit on sweetie." but he replied, "but why doesn't she want to wear a shirt?"
I cannot wait to bring in a sibling for this guy because I know he would be the best big brother out there. Watching him play with other kids, both older and younger, and watching him interact with babies melts my heart. His friend Kaden just had a little sister enter their family and now every time he thinks about baby Aubrey, he proclaims to anyone who will listen, "My momma is going to have a baby sister for me." (And just so you know, I am not pregnant lol )
I cannot wait to watch my little man grow up and become such an amazing human being! I am already so much in love with him and my love for him will continue to grow. He knows how to make me smile and I never want to see that bright blue eyed smile dim as he goes through life. I will try to post more Edison stories as they come to be. He is my source of entertainment that is for sure!
Until Next time!
Leigh Ann*
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